42 Events at the Second Coming of Jesus


    1. Pre-note: Body – I Thessalonians 4:16
      Taken 7 years before 2nd Coming – Revelation 4:1

    2. Bride: Raptured – II Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 1:22-23

    3. Marriage of Lamb – Revelation 19:7
      Bema judgment – II Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10

    4. Marriage Supper – Revelation 19:9
      “will serve them.” – Luke 12:37, Zephaniah 3:17

    5. Demons gather – Revelation 16:14
      Armies of anti-christ from whole world + Kings of East cross Euphrates – Revelation 16:12

    6. Gather at Armageddon – Revelation 16:16

    7. To make war “against him” – Revelation 19:19

    8. Then 50 miles South to Jerusalem – Zechariah 12:2-3

    9. ⅔ of Jews perish in tribulation – Zechariah 13:8-9

    10. ½ of Jerusalem city into captivity – Zechariah 14:2-3
      “forever” – Ezekiel 37:25

    11. Jesus to Petra + Bosra – Isaiah 63:1

    12. For “the day of vengeance” – Isaiah 63:4

    13. Lord shall save tents of Judah first – Zechariah 12:7

    14. Jesus to Jerusalem “defend Jerusalem “ – Zechariah 12:8-9

    15. “To make War” – Revelation 19:11

    16. We with Him
      “Armies followed” – Revelation 19:14
      “All the saints with thee” – Zechariah 14:5
      “When Christ who is our life” – Colossians 3:4, I John 3:2
      With 10,000’s – Jude 14

    17. Topography of earth changes – Psalms 104:8 (NAS translation)
      “Great earthquake” – Revelation 16:18
      “Every island fled + mountains not found” – Revelation 16:20
      “Sun & moon not give light” – Matthew 24:29

    18. “Coming on clouds” – Matthew 24:30, Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 26:64

    19. “Mount of Olives cleave” – Zechariah 14:4

    20. Faithful Jews flee to “the valley of the mountains” – Zechariah 14:5

    21. “Look upon…pierced” – Zechariah 12:10

    22. “Mourn for Him” – Zechariah 12:10, 11-14

    23. Fountain opened for uncleanness – Zechariah 13:1
      “There is a fountain filled with blood
      Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins
      And sinners plunged beneath that flood
      Lose all their guilty stains.”
      Mark – Revelation 13:15-17
      Lots, sold – Joel 3:3, 6
      “Sprinkle clean water upon you” – Ezekiel 36:25-29

    24. Christ slays leaders “beast was taken” – Revelation 19:20

    25. Remnant slain, fowls filled – Revelation 19:21

    26. Satan bound – Revelation 20:2-3

    27. (More specifically) out of mouth – Revelation 19:15
      Flesh shall consume – Zechariah 14:12
      “Stone, broke them to pieces” – Daniel 2:34:35

    28. Blood unto horse bridles in Valley of Jehosaphat (300 yds.) – Revelation 14:20
      “Not day” – Zechariah 14:7
      Gather unto supper – Revelation 19:17

    29. Jesus sits as judge “He doth judge” – Revelation 19:11
      Father committed all judgment – John 5:22

    30. At Valley of Jehosaphat – Joel 3:12

    31. Angels gather elect – Isaiah 66:20, Matthew 24:31

    32. “Before Him all the nations” – Matthew 25:32-46

    33. “Multitudes in the Valley of (His) decision” – Joel 3:14

    34. Sheep into kingdom to re-populate – Matthew 25:34

    35. Goats who followed anti-christ into everlasting fire – Matthew 25:41, Numbers 16:31

    36. “Living waters from Jerusalem” – Zechariah 13:1, Zechariah 14:8
      “A fountain shall come forth from house of the Lord” – Joel 3:18
      “Waters issued from under threshold through cleft in Mt. of Olives” – Ezekiel 47:1-12

    37. Waters from Engedi unto Enegleim (Elat) – Ezekiel 47:10
      (From Westside of raised Dead Sea South to Gulf of Aqaba)
      Fish – Ezekiel 47:9
      ½ toward hinder (Mediterranean) Sea – Zechariah 14:8, Psalm 46:4

    38. Length “for span of 1600 furlongs” – Revelation 14:20
      181.8 miles from Jerusalem to Dead Sea to Gulf of Aqaba
      (This will cleanse blood up to horse bridles from Valley of Jehosaphat for
      1600 furlongs or 181 miles to Gulf.)

    39. Vision of Millennial Temple – Ezekiel 40-47

    40. Millennium begins peace, harmony – Isaiah 11:6-10
      “Blessed till 1335 days” – Daniel 12:12
      (Counts from Mid Tribulation)
      1260 (3 ½ years)
      30 mourning
      45 gather, judge, build temple – Daniel 12:12
      Curse of law – Galatians 3:13
      Creation delivered – Romans 8:21
      Lion + lamb together – Isaiah 65:25
      Ground productive – Isaiah 65:21
      Longevity restored – Isaiah 65:20
      Swords to plowshares – Micah 4:3

    41. We, as bride of Christ, reign over earth from our mansions in New Jerusalem
      From New Jerusalem – Hebrews 11:10, 16, Hebrews 13:14, Hebrews 12:22-23
      In mansions – John 14:2
      We reign – Revelation 5:10
      “Over” earth, crowned – Revelation 4:4
      For 1000 years – Revelation 20:6
      “Ruler over many things” – Matthew 25:21, 23
      “Authority over 10 cities” – Luke 19:17
      Because “faithful” – Luke 19:17
      VS. Beaten with many stripes – Luke 12:47

    42. Martyrs of 2nd half,
      @ since missed Bema Jerusalem Seat of Christ – II Corinthians 5:10
      Some to receive rewards at mid-tribulation – Revelation 11:18
      Others have a separate throne judgment – Revelation 20:4a
      rule with Christ on the earth for 1000 years – Revelation 20:4b
      Then join us in new heaven + earth – Revelation 21-22